Study Notes - Deep Learning for Video Classification and Captioning (1)


This blog post is a study note summary for the paper Deep Learning for Video Classification and Captioning published by Zuxuan Wu, Ting Yao, Yuanwei Fu, and Yu-Guang Jiang in 2016.

This paper provides a great introduction and review of the research on video classification and video captioning. It is a very good first read for researchers who are new to the video processing and natural language processing with some machine learning and deep learning background.


With the availability of video data, a need has raised to develop applications to understand the meaning of video streams. Video captioning and video classification are two main lines of research to this problem. This paper is a review of resent research on the two topics with an emphasis on deep learning and feature extraction.

Deep Learning Modules

  • Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
    • LeNet-5: back-prop, end-to-end
    • Deep Brief Network: greedy? train each layer in an unsupervised manner
    • AlexNet: 5 conv layers + 3 fully connected layers, RuLU, Dropout
    • VGGNet: 16-19 layers, 3x3 conv filters, able to capture details of input
    • GoogLeNet: multi-scale processing, 22 layers, inception
    • ResNet: 152 - 1000 layers
    • Trend: increasing depth
  • Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)
    • Good for sequence labeling (speech, sentence, words)
    • cyclicle connection to form cycle, memory
    • unable to carry long-range dependencies
    • vanishing and exploding gradient problems
  • Long Short-term Memory (LSTM)
    • store and access information in a long run sequence

Video Classification

Classify video streams into different categories, for example, human activities.

  • Image-based video Classification
    • video treated as a collection of frames
    • each frame feed in pre-trained start-of-the-art deep models (AlexNet, GoogLeNet, etc.) till a certain fully connected layer
    • average the output and feed into a standard classifier such as SVM
  • End-to-end CNN Architecture
    • learn hidden spatial-temporal patterns
    • 3D CNN - not performing well because lack of large labeled training data and training is slow
    • 2D CNN - two-stream approach, break the image down in to spatial and temporal clues, Trajectory-Pooled Descriptors - alot of other approaches
  • Modeling Long-Term Temporal Dynamics
    • The two stream approach does not take into account the order of of the video stream since the input is taking in frame by frame
    • Leverage RNN (LSTM)
    • LSTM and CNN are highly complementary
  • Incorporating Visual Attention
    • detect useful and relevant frames
    • attention mechanism to identify the most discriminative spatial-temporal volumes
    • Motion based Attention
  • Unsupervised Video Feature Learning
    • Challenge - not enough training data
    • Use unsupervised learning to find video patterns
